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The Netherlands is often seen as the epitome of people-centered, micromobility-focused streets. However, in recent years, Paris, France, has emerged as a strong contender. Under the leadership of Mayor Hidalgo, the City of Paris has embarked on an ambitious strategy for transforming its streets. The implementation of various street treatments has been swift, as witnessed firsthand by Streetfilms during visits in the summer of 2022 and fall of 2023. This transformation is both impressive and enviable.

Below is a video produced during these trips, highlighting the remarkably wide bike lanes, enhanced pedestrian areas, and the rapidly expanding school streets program. This program is a model that should be emulated worldwide.

Paris School Streets: Safe for Children, Safe for Everyone
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School Streets Initiative
Paris’s school streets initiative stands out as one of the most ambitious globally. Streets near 300 schools have been made car-free, creating safer student journeys and providing natural outdoor activities and socializing spaces. Due to the pandemic, this program has limited video documentation. Recognizing the significance of these changes, Streetfilms aimed to showcase how Paris is designing and caring for its youngest residents. A two-minute express version is available for those with shorter attention spans.

Luxurious Bike Lanes
Paris’s new bike lanes have garnered significant praise. These lanes are exceptionally wide, often inducing spontaneous laughter and joy among riders. The Rue de Rivoli, in particular, stands out. Upon returning to New York City, it became apparent that many NYC residents had also experienced Paris’s superior bike lanes. Rather than simply showcasing these lanes, a comparative approach was taken to highlight the stark contrast between the cramped biking conditions in New York City and the luxurious experience in Paris.

Rapid Implementation and Change
The speed of installation and change in Paris over the past few years is remarkable. This momentum is partly driven by the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics, aiming to present Paris as an impressive and beautiful city to visitors. However, the commitment to improving the public realm is a core part of the City’s philosophy. During visits a year apart, Streetfilms noted new bike lanes that had not existed previously, including a separated bike path with islands that was relocated to the other side of the street. The latest film captures these new developments as seen in fall 2023.

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