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Welcome to Market at a Glance, Glendale 91208! We’re here to provide you with the latest housing data for this vibrant neighborhood as of August 3, 2023. In the past 30 days, there have been 8 properties sold with a median sale price of $1,384,000 and an average market time of just 9 days. Compared to June’s statistics, we observe a slight decline in median and average list prices per square foot while the number of homes sold remains consistent. Let’s explore the numbers and the trends shaping Glendale 91208’s real estate landscape.

As of August 3, 2023:

  • Number of Homes for Sale: 12
  • Median List Price: $1,775,000
  • Average List Price per Square Foot: $701
  • Number of Homes Sold: 8
  • Median Sale Price: $1,384,000
  • Average Market Time: 9 days

As of July 3 2023:

  • Number of Homes for Sale: 12
  • Median Sale Price: $1,999,950
  • Average List Price per Square Foot: $762
  • Number of Homes Sold: 7
  • Median Sale Price: $1,400,000
  • Average Market Time: 9 days

Comparison between August and June:

  1. Median List Price: The median list price for homes in July decreased to $1,775,000 from $1,999,950 in June, reflecting a slight dip in property prices.
  2. Average List Price per Square Foot: In July, the average list price per square foot dropped to $701 from $762 in June, indicating a potential opportunity for buyers to find more affordable properties.
  3. Number of Homes Sold: July saw 8 properties sold, while June had 7 properties sold. The slight increase in sales during July suggests a steady real estate market in Glendale 91208.
  4. Median Sale Price: The median sale price in July was recorded at $1,384,000, a decrease from the median sale price of $1,400,000 in June. The difference is relatively small, indicating stability in property values.
  5. Average Market Time: The average market time remained constant at 9 days for both June and July, implying that properties are selling quickly in this area.

Glendale 91208 has experienced some fluctuations in housing prices, with a slight decrease in median list price and average list price per square foot. However, the market continues to be active, with a consistent number of homes sold and a short average market time. These statistics suggest a relatively balanced and healthy real estate market in Glendale 91208.

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