Robbyn's top three picks for the 15 are below.
#1 Moody and Cozy Rooms: Why well, to be honest, I have a room designed almost exactly like the one highlighted as #3 on the list of 15.
#2 Dimensional Textures: Why I just thought the hanging li...
Below is the complete article from "The Planning Report", an interview with LA City Planning Director Vince Bertoni. There is a lot to absorb in this article, so grab a cup of coffee or a big glass of water and get ready for a great read on wha...
If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home soon, you probably want to know what you can expect from the housing market this year. In 2022, the market underwent a major shift as economic uncertainty, and higher mortgage rates reduced...
Offshore wind farms are coming to the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.
Are our Oceans going to look like we just arrived in Palm Desert, CA.? When driving into Palm Springs, California, from Los Angeles along Interstate 10, the first sign that you�...
Robbyn Battles' annual Free Photos with Santa and Snow will take place on Sunday, December 11, from 4-7 pm. Read about this year's event below. Remember, you are never too old for a photo with Santa. Bring the family, come by yourself or grab y...
November 2022
Dear Reader,
Just in case you missed the "FREE photos with Santa and Snow." invite. I'm hosting my second annual community holiday party with 16 tons of snow, live music, and Santa. All the details and FREE tickets are ava...
It's a rainy November day and looking across Foothill from my office the famous neon light of the La Crescenta Motel lights up the morning mist. I grew up in La Crescenta and heard all the stories about our cute little Motel, formerly know as t...
3 Graphs Showing Why Today’s Housing Market Isn’t Like 2008
With all the headlines and talk in the media about the shift in the housing market, you might be thinking this is a housing bubble. It’s only natural for those thoughts...
Robbyn Battles' annual Free Photos with Santa and Snow will take place on Sunday, December 11, from 4-7 pm. This year there will be a live band, 16 tons of snow, and lots of fun activities. Remember, you are never too old for a photo with Santa...
Dear Reader,
You are invited!!! I'm hosting my second annual community holiday party, "FREE photos with Santa and Snow." This year I'm turning things up a notch with a live band, two snow sled lanes, a larger snow area, and lots of fun photo...